Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How To Deal With A Bad Salesperson In Your Retail Store

By Bob Phibbs (The Retail Doctor)

Do you have a bad salesperson on your retail sales floor?

You know, the one who screams, "That was my sale!"

The one who makes everyone miserable.

The one who has to say to the salesperson while the customer is at the register, "I greeted them," or
"Oh you came back after you talked to your husband."

Nothing screams, "WE WORK ON COMMISSION!!" more than those behaviors.

They have to put the other salesperson in their place.

The problem for you is your whole store is watching.

And the truth is, sometimes customers don't want the original salesperson and will intentionally avoid them.

Those customers are giving your store a second chance so it is better to allow them to decide whether to speak to a new salesperson or the original.

Adopt Ground Rules
If you have an ups system, where each salesperson gets one "up" to greet a customer and then moves to the bottom of the order whether they sell that customer or not, create some ground rules:
  • Once the customer walks out, you do not get credit for the sale.
  • Close 'em or lose 'em - no business cards given to customers to "ask for me."
  • Never cut in on a sale unless the other person allows it privately first.
  • Never mention whose sale it is or commissions in front of a customer or both of you lose credit.

In Sum

During your retail sales training, set the ground rules ahead of time and you'll reduce the chances of having an obnoxious salesperson barrel their way into a sale, ruining your customers' experience, and giving customers something bad to remember you by.

Or worse, telling their friends on Facebook or posting a video on YouTube.

To View Original Article: http://www.retaildoc.com/elinor-bad-retail-salesperson-training?utm_campaign=Blog%20posts&utm_content=16510247&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter